α, 3.8,
is Kitalpha, from the Arabian name for the whole figure, strangely turned by Burritt into Kitel Phard. Stieler has Kitalphar.
With β it was the Chinese Sze Wei.
is Kitalpha, from the Arabian name for the whole figure, strangely turned by Burritt into Kitel Phard. Stieler has Kitalphar.
With β it was the Chinese Sze Wei.
δ, Triple and binary, 5, 5, and 10, topaz yellow and pale sapphire.
The two largest stars form a system noted as the quickest in orbital revolution of all known binaries except κ Pegasi, and perhaps the 7th‑magnitude Ll. 9091 in Orion, on the border of Taurus. Its period is about 11 1/2 years, and the components are so close that they can be separated only by the largest telescopes; their maximum distance apart every seven years is but 0ʺ.44, this occurring in 1897, their position angle being 208°.
ε is another triple, much resembling δ in character; the component stars, 5.7, 6.2, and 7.1 in magnitude, are 1ʺ.3, and 10ʺ.4 apart, the colors of the first two yellowish, the last ashy white.
The two largest stars form a system noted as the quickest in orbital revolution of all known binaries except κ Pegasi, and perhaps the 7th‑magnitude Ll. 9091 in Orion, on the border of Taurus. Its period is about 11 1/2 years, and the components are so close that they can be separated only by the largest telescopes; their maximum distance apart every seven years is but 0ʺ.44, this occurring in 1897, their position angle being 208°.
ε is another triple, much resembling δ in character; the component stars, 5.7, 6.2, and 7.1 in magnitude, are 1ʺ.3, and 10ʺ.4 apart, the colors of the first two yellowish, the last ashy white.
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