Taurus is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Taurus. In western astrology, this sign is no longer aligned with the constellation as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. In astrology, Taurus is considered a "feminine", negative sign. It is also considered an earth sign and is one of four fixed signs. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus (which also rules Libra). Being the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus has been associated with the astrological second house. The glyph is also the alchemical symbol for rocksalt.
Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Taurus individuals. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in Taurus from April 20 to May 20.Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from May 15 to June 15. An astrological chart must be plotted to ascertain the exact position of the Sun around these juncture dates.
Individuals born when the Sun was in this sign are considered Taurus individuals. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun is in Taurus from April 20 to May 20.Under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently there roughly from May 15 to June 15. An astrological chart must be plotted to ascertain the exact position of the Sun around these juncture dates.
In mythology Taurus is often associated with the Greek myth of the bull-form taken by Zeus in order to win Europa. Taurus is also associated with the Greco-Roman goddess Aphrodite/Venus and sometimes also the goddesses Hera/Juno, Ishtar, Isis, Freyja, and Frigg and the gods Pan, Dionysus/Bacchus, Xolotl, and Quetzalcoatl.[citation needed] The astrological symbol for Taurus represents the head and horns of the bull.