vendredi 11 juillet 2008

Pisces 5

"Those stars in Pisces which are in the head of the southern fish have the same influence as Mercury and in some degree as Saturn; those in the body are like Jupiter and Mercury; those in the tail and in the southern line are like Saturn, and moderately like Mercury. In the northern fish; those on its body and backbone resemble Jupiter and also Venus in some degree; those in the northern line are like Saturn and Jupiter".- - PtolemyA faint constellation of the equatorial region of the sky. Just north of Aquarius and Cetus it is surrounded by Pegasus, Andromeda, Triangulum and Aries. The easternmost fish is located just below Andromeda. The westernmost is below Pegasus. The string starts with the eastern fish and travels south towards Cetus before heading west to connect with the other fish.The sun passes through Pisces from mid-March to late April (so it is best viewed in autumn).

The constellation Pisces is known as the fish. Almost every ancient civilization saw this figure. Some saw the figure as a single fish, others saw it as a pair. This constellation probably was originally derived from Mesopotamia. The Babylonians had a constellation of two fish joined by a cord in this area of the sky known as Nunu. It was known by the Persians as Mahik, and the Turks as Balik, all meaning "Fish." The Arabs also knew Pisces as Al Samakatain, or "the Two Fishes."According to Greek myth, there was a monstrous god named Typhon, who was determined to overthrow Zeus and his entire group of gods. So terrifying and powerful was the evil god that he caused the immortal followers of Zeus to flee into Egypt in exile. Zeus alone remained behind to do battle and eventually conquer Typhon. We are told that one day Aphrodite and her son Eros were walking along a riverbank when they sensed the presence of the monstrous god Typhon. Quickly they plunged into the river where they took the form of fishes and escaped. To this day we see them as the Northern Fish and the Western Fish of Pisces.Associations of the Christ story with astronomical factors abound. The Vernal Point and the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn came together in Pisces. As the Bull and Ram had been worshipped during the preceding Ages of Taurus and Aries, the Fishes became the great mystical symbol. Christ was said to be a "fisher of men" by way of incorporating this into the updated Monomyth. Another Christian symbol, the sacrificed lamb, likely refers to the end of the prior age, Aries, just as the slaying of the Bull in the Mithraic religion is believed to represent the end of the Age of Taurus. Similarly the death of Christ, the Crucifixion, I think contains a symbolic reference to the end of the Age of Pisces when the Age of Aquarius begins. Christ's body was fixed to the Cross (Cruci-fixion) but astrologers know of something called the "Fixed Cross." This is the group of four so-called "fixed" Zodiacal signs forming a cross within the circle of the Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. When the Vernal Point precesses into Aquarius, the four seasonal points, the two Equinoxes and two Solstices, themselves always forming a cross, will have moved into the fixed signs or Fixed Cross of the Zodiac from the mutable signs where they are now. And on the way to his Crucifixion, Christ also made twelve stops, known as the "Stations of the Cross," another allusion to the twelve Zodiacal signs. [Terry Alden: "The Mill of Time"].

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