dimanche 29 juin 2008

Scorpius 4


Delta Scorpii

Dschubba may be derived from the Arabic term Al Jabhah, "The Front" (or "The Forehead"). The star is also known as Iclarkrav or Iclarkrau, which may be a modern coinage derived from the Arabic Iklil al 'Akrab meaning "The Crown of the Scorpion."
Description of the Star
Dschubba is a blue B0.3IV subgiant star about 1600 times as luminous as the sun and 6 times the diameter of the sun.
Dschubba has two companions. One has been observed only by its effect on the primary. It orbits with a 20 day period. The other companion orbits with a longer period. It has a Visual Magnitude of about 4.9 and is separated by 0.17 arc sec from the primary, corresponding to a projected separation of about 20 AU.


Theta Scorpii

According to Allen the name Sargas is of "Euphratean" origin. I take this to mean that the name is Babylonian.
Description of the Star
Sargas is a yellowish F1II bright giant having a luminosity about 1100 times that of the sun.
Sargas has a companion, Sargas B, of Visual Magnitude 5.30 lying at 6.5 arc sec away from the A star. This star lies at a projected distance of 540 AU away from A, that is, almost 14 times the distance between the sun and Pluto.

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